Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Another Non-Crazy, Crazy Outing

I think our church outing on Sunday gave me some sort of crazy confidence, because today I decided to take them out to a movie! What?! Yep. The Lego Movie in 3D. Luckily, we had the entire theater to ourselves. Awesome. (That was my son's favorite word even before the movie. And now my daughter sings it "awesome! awwwwwesome!" It's adorable.) The lady at the ticket counter gave us 3 pairs of 3D glasses and said "I don't know if she'll keep them on or not, but here ya go." Oh yes, she'll keep them on. The girl LOVES accessories! And she did! They stayed on until maybe the last 30 minutes when both kids were getting restless (even though they were very intrigued with the movie, they just couldn't sit still any longer). They started exploring the theater. Starting small, just walking back and forth on the row we were on, until eventually my son decided he wanted to sit closer to watch the movie ALL BY HIMSELF. Then, during the end credits there was a full on dance party as well as a marathon. I was laughing so hard and wishing it wasn't so dark so I could get it all on video! The boy would run at TOP SPEED (which is surprisingly fast and serious), then climb the steps to the top, run across the back row, down the steps, and repeat. And repeat. And repeat...you get the idea. I'm glad I decided to ignore the housework today and just do something fun. It was a total risk taking them on my own, but in motherhood, as in life, sometimes you just have to jump in feet first! And more importantly, sometimes you have to leave the mess behind and just do something FUN with your kids. Those are the childhood memories they will cherish forever.

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