Friday, March 28, 2014

Small & Simple Accomplishments

Some people can't get enough of the baby stage, but for me, I love watching them learn and grow and become independent! (Which means less work for me!) Both kids love doing things on their own. Even my 20 month old daughter pushes me away and says "self!" They must feel pride at accomplishing new tasks, and I feel it FOR them.

Today, my son (turning 4 in a month and a half) was carrying some dishes into the kitchen and dropped one, spilling his snack on the carpet. Instead of crying (which is what usually happens) we decided he wanted to throw that away and get some new. So HE went and got the vacuum and cleaned it up. I know it's just something small, but I was so proud of him for handling a situation that could have easily led to a meltdown, resulting in everyone being angry. Instead, we handled it quickly and calmly, which actually INCREASED our happiness.

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